First Aid Kit ( All-Purpose | Home | Office | School | Car)



  • 1 CPR Face Shield/Mask
  • 1 Dyna Blood Stopper Dressing
  • 3 5×9 Trauma Dressings
  • 10 4×4 Dressings
  • 2 2″ rolls of Gauze
  • 2 Triangular Bandages
  • 1 EMT Trauma Shears
  • 1 Tweezer
  • 1 Thermal Blanket
  • 1 pack 2×6 “Burn Free” Burn Gel Dressing
  • 1 12″ Cardboard Arm Splint
  • 1 Cold Pack
  • 1 roll of First Aid Tape
  • 24 oz. of Emergency Sterile Water
  • 20 Band-aids
  • 2 pr. Vinyl Gloves
  • 15 Antiseptic Wipes
  • 3 Antimicrobial Wipes
  • 1 First Aid Guide

The best first aid kit. The real life-saving first aid kit.

Most retail first aid kits cannot save lives nor aid any life-threatening emergencies. A typical first aid kit is made up of just band-aids and wipes. Even more frustrating, is that most kits have first aid supplies that are no longer part of current first aid protocols.

As a former firefighter with over 33 years of experience responding to more than 50,000 emergencies, I got used to using a professional first aid bag. When I started training Disaster Survival Skills workshops and my First Aid classes, I was frustrated when it came to recommending an affordable first aid kit that could actually help in an emergency to my students. So in 1995, out of necessity, I had to create a “real” first aid kit. Not only must this kit be able to save lives, but it must be affordable to the public. It must also have practical supplies that anyone at home could use. We accomplished all those things with our “Real” First Aid Kit. Check out the items below and compare our first aid kit and price against anything you might find on Amazon.

The ‘REAL’ First Aid Kit For real-life emergencies

We have included a first aid checklist with the best essential supplies that can make a difference in a real emergency.

With a real first aid kit you should be able to manage CPR, Severe Bleeding, and Shock as well as other serious injuries, like burns and broken bones. That means the best first aid kit must have contents that are professional grade and high-quality American made. Like our double one-way valve mouth barrier for CPR. Most CPR masks on the market are imported into the United States and licensed as novelty items (toys). These cheap masks have paper filters that offer little if any viral protection.

Trauma dressings are a necessity for the control of Severe Bleeding and serious wound care. We even recently upgraded our real first aid kit to include a Dynarex Blood Stopper, a multi-purpose trauma dressing to treat gunshot wounds, large serious bleeding and burns, etc. For burns specifically, nothing works better than a Burn Free burn gel dressing. It helps to stop the pain, stops the burn progression, helps prevent infection, prevents hypothermia and best of all, it won’t stick to the burn. For fractured limbs, make sure your kit has a real splint to stabilize the injury. These are just a few of the important items that should be on every first aid list.

Does your first aid kit have the ability to treat shock. You must have a thermal blanket to maintain body core temperature for your victim. Heat loss in a shock victim only compounds the problem and causes shock to progress much faster than necessary. This puts your victim at even more risk of succumbing to the effects of shock.

Best for home, classroom, car, boat, office, or outdoor activities.

Our red first aid kit bag is professionally designed by Captain Wayne Bennett (Ret.) himself. It’s a first aid kit for most injuries, it will enable you to treat minor to severe injuries. You can safely perform CPR, control Severe Bleeding, treat Shock, treat serious Burns, stabilize Broken Bones, along with minor first aid emergencies. We’ve also included an easy to follow first aid guide.

What separates our Real First Aid kit from the rest, first is the quality of our first aid kit contents. Beginning with our American made CPR Barrier Mask. This double valve one-way face shield is the best mask on the market.

Next, is our state of the art Burn Gel Dressing. Stops burning, kills the pain, reduces infections and does not stick to the burn. How about sterile water for flushing wounds, eyes or cooling burns or even heat exhaustion.

Who else puts a 12-inch cardboard splint to stabilize fractured ankles, wrists, and arms in their kits? Or paramedic scissors? Or a blood stopper dressing for serious injuries and 3 trauma dressings. No one that I know of, and at this price.

Just as important are the items we do not put in our kits. Items that are not within current first aid protocols. Beware of companies selling a first aid kit containing Hydrogen Peroxide (kills tissue & damages capillaries, grows bacteria), Alcohol wipes (damages the top layer of your skin, painful and burns the dermis), Butterfly bandages, these are items that no longer have a place in your first aid supplies. Our kits also do not contain any aspirin, as it increases bleeding, which is dangerous for a stroke, head injury, internal injuries, or any injury that could involve hidden bleeding.

TIP! We don’t suggest using feminine hygiene pads in place of Trauma Dressings. Feminine pads do not control bleeding, they are not designed to support clotting which is necessary to control severe bleeding.

First Aid Kit Bag Contents:

Real first aid kit content list with pictures and uses

How to use your real first aid kit:

Weight 5.0 oz