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In this Blended CPR Skills Certification Training, you’ll learn how to perform CPR on Adults, Children, and Infants, as well as how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Please contact us if you have any questions relating to this course.
Duration: Approx. 45 minutes PLUS Hands-On, In-Person Session Instructor: Captain Wayne Bennett (Ret.)
In my 33 years of service as a firefighter, there was one thing that pained me to hear. When the family member said “I just didn’t know what to do”. If people only knew how simple it really is to save lives. That’s when I started teaching in 1991. As an American Heart Association Instructor for the last 32 years, I have trained over 170,000 people in the art of saving lives. I also realized I can only train so many people with in person classes. This online CPR course changes all that.